"Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu!" Riko Sakurauchi (LSS/W45-E055 C) [Love Live! Sunshine!!]


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SKU: LSS/W45-E055-C-EN-NF-1

Release Date: 2018-05-18
Set Name: Love Live! Sunshine!!
Card Number: LSS/W45-E055 C
Rarity: Common
Card Type: Character
Color: Red
Level: 1
Cost: 0
Soul: 0
Traits: Music
Power: 2500
[CONT] Assist All of your characters in front of this card get +500 power. [ACT] [[REST] two of your characters] Choose one of your characters, and that character gets the following ability until end of turn."[AUTO] When this card's level 1 or higher battle opponent becomes [REVERSE], choose a character in your waiting room, return it to hand, choose a card in your hand, and put it into your waiting room."
Title: Near Mint

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